How It Works
NECK X® is a light weight, portable device that allows the user to quickly change from targeting one muscle group to the next.
NECK X® Development & History
Our Story
NECK X® was developed initially as a solution to the constant pain and fatigue experienced by US fighter Pilots. Due to the high G forces they experience flying their high performance fighter aircraft; fighter pilots are constantly battling to maintain their neck flexibility and range of motion. Because there is only one winner in air-to-air combat, it is necessary for fighter pilots to be able to turn their heads under extreme conditions to maintain sight of their threats. The developers of NECK X® sought out a simple, inexpensive, easy to use solution to this problem and to give US fighter pilots a competitive edge.
During the development of NECK X®, we discovered that NECK X® is not only useful for fighter pilots, but can apply to many other people as well. Whether a person is a professional athlete, a sports enthusiast, a stay at home parent, or one who works many hours in front of a computer, NECK X® can help increase neck strength and neck flexibility. NECK X® is a great tool to aid in recovering from neck pain and neck injuries and is a great way to reduce neck tension and improve neck range of motion. There are seven identified exercises that are initially suggested for use with the NECK X®: Neck Extension, Neck Flexion, Rotation, Side Bend (Flexion), 45°s (Combination Neck Extension/Rotation), Chin Tuck, and Vertical Lift. These exercises can be done using Concentric, Eccentric, or Isometric exercise methods. The NECK X® is designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles most commonly related to neck strain, neck stiffness, and neck pain. These muscles groups include, but are not limited to, the Levator Scapulae, Rhomboid, Sternocleidomastoid, Trapezius, Splenius, Semispinalis, and Multifidus muscles. Perhaps the greatest benefit of using the NECK X® is the ability to fixate or easily target a specific neck muscle group. By making very small adjustments to the placement of the resistance bands while using the NECK X®, the user can target their problem areas. Furthermore, the NECK X® allows the user to maintain a Neutral Spine Position throughout each neck exercise and maintain a properly aligned spine. Because of the unique, patented design of the NECK X®, a user can effectively stretch and strengthen their neck, increase their neck flexibility, and improve their neck range of motion. Currently, NECK X® is used by several Collegiate Athletic Departments, Chiropractors, Spine / Orthopedic Surgeons, Professional Athletes, Olympic Training Centers, and individual users worldwide. Since NECK X® incorporates and improves the ability to perform many of the neck exercises already prescribed, we are confident that you will experience immediate, positive results.
Anyone who wants to Increase Neck Strength, Flexibility, Range of Motion and Endurance
Who can benefit ?
Professional, Collegiate, High School Athletes
Wheelchair User
Weekend or amateur athletes
Stay at home parents
Drivers with long commutes
Desk-bound officer workers
Dentist, Surgeons, Machine operators
Pilots, Sky divers, Military professionals
Anyone that experiences frequent neck tension or neck stiffness
Type of Exercises
Versatile & Effective
Neck Extension, Neck Flexion, Rotation, Side Bend (Flexion), 45°s (Combination Neck Extension/Rotation), Chin Tuck, and Vertical Lift. These exercises can be done using Concentric, Eccentric, or Isometric exercise methods. The NECK X® is designed to stretch and strengthen the neck muscles most commonly related to neck strain, neck stiffness, and neck pain. These muscles groups include, but are not limited to the Levator Scapulae, Rhomboid, Sternocleidomastoid, Trapezius, Splenius, Semispinalis, and Multifidus muscles.

Lightweight & Portable
Easy to Use
One of the more attractive features of NECK X® is that it is lightweight, portable, and easy to use. NECK X® only weighs 48 oz. and will fit into most brief cases and purses, allowing you to take NECK X® with you on the go.
Extensive Adoption
Trusted Worldwide
Currently, NECK X® is being used at Northwestern, University of Minnesota, US Naval Academy, The Citadel, The Ohio State, Iowa State University, US Olympic Training Centers, and in Orthopedic, Chiropractic, and Physical Therapists Practices across the country. Check out our “Success Stories” page for more information.

As former collegiate athletes, the founders of NECK X® understand the hard work and dedication required to excel at a higher level. We also understand the physical toll that can be taken, especially as it relates to neck pain and neck injury.
NECK X® can give you the competitive edge by improving your neck conditioning, neck flexibility, and neck strength allowing you to reach the winners circle. All athletic endeavors use the neck and neck musculature. Because NECK X® strengthens the large and core neck muscles, NECK X® can give you a steady platform to see and defeat your opponent.